If you're looking for a more comprehensive solution to screen and track visitors, volunteers and staff at your school, Raptor is a great option. This integrated school safety software includes a Visitor Management System for screening and tracking visitors, a Volunteer Management System for streamlined volunteer applications, and a range of other tools for attendance, emergency response and more. It's designed to be easy to use for administrators, teachers and staff, and includes professional services and technical support for setup and ongoing use.
Another powerful option is Rhombus, a cloud-based enterprise security camera system. Although geared primarily for physical security management, it includes advanced analytics and real-time event notifications, so it's a good option for schools looking to improve physical security with scalable and easy-to-use technology.
For schools that want advanced video surveillance, Eagle Eye Networks offers a cloud-based platform with AI analytics for better security and operations. It includes features like instant video access, video search and remote camera control, so it's a flexible option for monitoring and managing school facilities.