If you're looking for an online resource to tap into a vast pool of practice questions and past papers for JEE Mains and AP EAPCET, ABHYAS.AI is a great choice. This AI-based learning platform provides more than 3 lakh questions researched and tagged by difficulty level, along with 600+ past year papers. It also includes video lessons from subject matter experts and AI-optimized study time to help you pinpoint your weaknesses and build confidence.
Another good resource is Quizlet, which offers a range of tools to help students study and learn. It includes millions of verified explanations, practice quizzes, and study modes like spaced repetition to help you learn more efficiently. Quizlet offers a range of question types, including multiple-choice and written-answer questions, so it can accommodate different learning styles.
For a more interactive learning experience, GradesAI offers a range of AI-powered study tools, including predictive practice tests, interactive quizzes and flashcards. It also helps students track progress, set goals and get support from a community, so it can be a good option to improve grades and learning efficiency.