
Provides step-by-step solutions, fast AI-powered answers, and 24/7 live expert help for a wide range of math and science problems.
Homework Assistance AI-powered Tutoring Online Learning Platforms

Gauth is an AI homework assistant designed to help students with their homework in a variety of subjects. The service uses a combination of AI technology and live tutors to provide step-by-step solutions, explanations, and quick answers to a wide range of math and science problems.

Gauth offers a free online homework help service that includes access to AI-powered calculators and live expert help. The service covers subjects including math, statistics, calculus, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, literature, business, writing, and social science.

Gauth's features include:

  • Step-by-step solutions: Detailed and clear explanations that walk you through to every solution.
  • Fast solutions: AI solutions in seconds.
  • Live tutors: Thousands of real experts available 24/7 to help with hard problems.
  • Tutor service: Solves the top 5% most difficult problems with solutions in as little as 10 minutes.
  • AI-powered calculator: Performs a wide range of math and science calculations.

Gauth also provides additional services for those who want to upgrade to the PLUS membership. This includes unlimited solutions, professional tutors, and instant tutoring.

Real users have praised Gauth for helping them with difficult problems in subjects like derivatives, SAT questions, and exam prep.

Gauth is available on multiple platforms, making it accessible to a broad audience. The service is great for students looking for a comprehensive homework help tool that combines the power of AI solutions with human expertise.

Published on June 14, 2024

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