If you're looking for a tool to determine whether a passage of text is written by a human or an AI system, GPTZero is a top contender. It's trained to recognize text generated by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. GPTZero uses a multi-step approach trained on a large dataset to identify AI text at the sentence, paragraph and document levels. It also comes with features like Deep Scan for more detailed analysis, plagiarism detection and an Origin Chrome Extension for browser-based detection. The tool is updated regularly through partnerships with leading universities and research labs to keep it up to date.
Another good option is Winston AI, which has a 99.98% detection rate for text generated with LLMs like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Google Gemini. It can handle multiple languages and has a plagiarism detector and AI image detector. Winston AI comes with a Chrome Extension and an API for web app integration, making it a good choice for education, SEO and writing. The tool shows quick scan results with scores and assessments for each sentence, and it has flexible pricing options.
If you're looking for a free option, X Detector could be what you need. It uses a combination of methods like corpus-based comparison and language model analysis to reach over 99% accuracy. X Detector supports nine languages and lets you upload text securely with Web3 encryption. It's good for students, teachers and bloggers who want to make sure their work is original.
AI Detector is another option that offers high detection accuracy and a simple interface. It shows the percentage of AI used in each sentence and offers detailed analysis and reports. It's good for students, teachers, bloggers and businesses that want to ensure authenticity and produce high-quality content. It offers both free and paid options, with special pricing for educational institutions.