First, GPTZero is designed to spot text written with large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. It has a Deep Scan option for more detailed analysis, Source Scanning for detecting plagiarism, and an Origin Chrome Extension to integrate with Google Docs to spot AI in your browser. It's got a free BASIC plan with 10,000 words per month and 7 scans per hour.
Another good option is X Detector, a free, multilingual AI content detector. It combines several methods, including corpus-based comparison and language model analysis, to spot AI text with more than 99% accuracy. It's good for students, teachers and bloggers who want to make sure they're not copying from others.
Last, Winston AI is another powerful option that spots text written with LLMs like ChatGPT and GPT-4. It's also got a plagiarism detector and AI image detector, and it's got a Chrome Extension and API for web app integration. It's good for educational, SEO and writing situations, with fast scans and detailed results.