If you want a site to turn your notes into flashcards and track your progress, Quizlet is a great option. It has Magic Notes that will turn your notes into flashcards and practice quizzes. Quizlet also employs more advanced learning methods like spaced repetition and retrieval practice to help you remember information. On top of that, it's got a range of study modes, including Learn and Test modes, and tools for teachers like Quizlet Live and Checkpoint.
Another good option is Knowt, which will turn your notes into flashcards and practice quizzes. It covers multiple subjects and offers unlimited free learn mode, practice quizzes and spaced repetition. Knowt also lets you import Quizlet sets, create flashcards from lecture videos and PDFs, and use an AI-powered note summarizer to turn notes into flashcards rapidly.
If you prefer a more AI-boosted approach, PDF2Anki will turn lecture slides, notes and PowerPoints into flashcards and notes automatically. It also offers personalized tutors, multi-choice questions and export options to other flashcard apps. The tool is good if you want to create flashcards rapidly and get feedback on how well you're doing.
Slay School is another good option with AI-powered flashcard creation from lectures, videos or handwritten notes. It employs active recall and spaced repetition to help you remember information over time. Slay School is free to use and exports to Anki and Quizlet, so it's a good option for students who want to get more out of their notes.