
Automatically generates flashcards from course notes and website content in multiple languages, exportable to Anki, Quizlet, CSV, and PDF.
Flashcard Generation AI-powered Learning Tools Educational Technology

Paperclips is a useful tool for automatically generating flashcards based on course notes or any website content. By harnessing the power of AI, it lets you create flashcards in multiple languages and export them to Anki, Quizlet, CSV and PDF.

Paperclips has two main parts: Paperclips Web, which generates flashcards from course notes, and Paperclips Copilot, which expands that to any website. That means you can generate flashcards from multiple sources.

One of Paperclips' big advantages is that it can meet you where you are, letting you generate and export flashcards from whatever platform you're using. That's potentially useful for students and others trying to improve their learning and memory.

If you want to try out flashcard generation with AI, Paperclips is a good place to start. It's easy to use and gets the job done. Check out the Paperclips website to get started.

Published on June 14, 2024

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