If you want a financial analysis tool that'll give you some personalized investment advice and let you manage your portfolio, Investipal is worth a look. It uses AI to guide your decisions and offers tools like AI Co-Pilot to find out what's worked in the past, Investment Inspiration to compare your portfolio with others, and Portfolio Analytics to monitor trends and risk. It also lets you invest with no risk and has a quick start option to set up a custom portfolio. Investipal is geared for both beginners and more experienced investors.
Another option is RAFA, an AI-based investment platform that offers advice and investment opportunities through agents like Analyst Pro and Options Guru. RAFA offers real-time alerts for your portfolio, daily investment ideas and portfolio risk assessments. It also has tools to spot hidden risks and monitor options activity, so it's a good option for those who want to manage risk and make more informed decisions.
If you want real-time market data and portfolio optimization, Pluto is a good option. Pluto uses AI to give you instant investment advice, and it offers features like smart summaries, scheduled reminders and portfolio optimization advice. By connecting your financial accounts, Pluto gives you a unified view of your investments and can help you make investment decisions based on your own needs.