The most powerful option is GPTZero. This AI detector is designed to detect text generated by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. It can perform deep analysis, check for plagiarism, and work in multiple languages. GPTZero is good for writers, recruiters and cybersecurity professionals, and it's updated through partnerships with top universities to try to stay ahead of the latest AI tricks.
Another good option is Originality. This suite of tools is geared for web publishers, content marketers and writers. It includes an AI content detector, plagiarism detector, fact checker and readability scorer. Originality is designed to keep your content high quality by weeding out errors and inaccuracies, and it's a good choice if you need to pass Google's quality tests.
If you need something free and easy to use, try ZeroGPT. This content checker uses machine learning algorithms to detect AI-generated text with high accuracy. It's got a simple copy-and-paste interface, and it works in multiple languages, so it's good for a variety of content, including SEO, academic and marketing materials.