If you want to verify the provenance of online information and screen out AI-spam, GPTZero is a good choice. It's designed to spot text generated by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. It can scan text at different levels, from individual sentences to documents, and offers features like Deep Scan, Source Scanning and an Origin Chrome Extension for browser-based checks. It offers free, basic and premium tiers, so it's good for teachers, writers, recruiters and cybersecurity pros.
Another powerful option is the AI Detector, which can spot AI-generated text with high accuracy. It's got a simple interface where you can paste text to get a detailed analysis and report on how much of it was generated by AI. It's good for students, teachers, bloggers, researchers and businesses that want to ensure authenticity and high quality. It offers free and paid tiers, so it's good for a broad range of people.
If you want a more complete solution, Originality has a collection of tools that includes an AI content detector, plagiarism detector, fact checker and readability scorer. It's geared for web publishers, content marketers and writers who need to ensure their content is accurate and original. Originality's tools are designed to keep content at a high level and to pass Google's quality tests.
Last, Winston AI is another AI content detector with a 99.98% detection rate. It works with multiple languages and can spot paraphrased and humanized text. It's available as a Chrome Extension and as an API for web app integration. It's good for education, SEO and writing. Winston AI gives you a quick and accurate assessment of content with detailed scores and assessments for each sentence, so it's a good option for content verification.