The first, GPTZero, is an AI detector that can identify text produced by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. It also has Deep Scan for more detailed analysis, Source Scanning for plagiarism detection, and an Origin Chrome Extension for browser-based AI detection. With several pricing tiers, including a free BASIC option, GPTZero is a good option for teachers, writers and recruiters.
Another powerful option is Copyleaks, which offers a range of products including AI Detector, Plagiarism Detector and a Writing Assistant. It works with multiple languages and can be integrated with Learning Management Systems. Copyleaks also protects data security and privacy, making it a good option for schools and businesses.
If you're looking for a free AI-powered plagiarism detection tool, you might want to try ZeroGPT Plus. The tool compares your text to a large database of sources to check for originality, and it works with multiple languages and a range of document types. It's good for students, writers and professionals who want to maintain academic integrity and credibility.
Last, Originality offers a suite of tools for web publishers, content marketers and writers. It includes an AI content detector, plagiarism checker, fact checker and readability scorer. With a range of pricing options, Originality can help you ensure high-quality content and meet Google's quality standards.