If you're looking for a tool to detect whether a given text was written by a human or a language model, GPTZero is a good option. The AI detector is designed to detect text written with large language models like ChatGPT and GPT-4. It includes features like Deep Scan, Source Scanning for plagiarism, and an Origin Chrome Extension to detect text in the browser with integration into Google Docs. GPTZero has different pricing tiers for different needs, including a free BASIC plan and a PREMIUM plan that includes advanced AI Deep Scan and multilingual detection.
Another good option is the AI Detector, which has high accuracy for detecting AI-generated text. You can paste your text and instantly get results showing the percentage of AI used in each sentence. The tool is easy to use and includes detailed analysis and reports, which makes it a good option for students, researchers and businesses that need to verify authenticity and protect their reputation. It offers free and paid options, with special pricing for schools.
For those looking for a free option, ZeroGPT offers an AI-powered content checker that detects AI-generated text with an accuracy of up to 99%. It offers unlimited free AI checks and a readability score to help you make your content more accessible. ZeroGPT is flexible and works with multiple languages, making it good for a variety of uses like SEO content, academic papers and marketing materials.