GPTZero is a powerful AI detector that's designed to find text generated by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. It's got multi-level scanning, plagiarism detection and a Google Docs integration. Prices range from free to $16 per month, but GPTZero is geared for people who want more advanced analysis and a high degree of AI detection accuracy.
Winston AI is another powerful tool that's good at finding text generated with LLMs, with a 99.98% detection rate. It works in multiple languages, and there's a plagiarism detector and an AI image detector. It's available as a Chrome Extension and an API, so it's good for education, SEO and writing.
If you want something a bit more basic, AI Detector gives you a probability score to help you judge how likely it is AI was involved. It's got sentence refinement and detailed reports, so it's good for content creators, teachers and digital marketers. It's based on Open AI's GPT 2 model but uses BERT for better detection.
And then there's ZeroGPT, which offers free AI content checks with 99% accuracy. It uses machine learning algorithms to detect AI-generated text and also offers a readability score. It's good for SEO, academic and marketing content, and it protects user privacy with a copy-and-paste interface.