If you're looking for a general-purpose CAPTCHA solver that handles multiple languages, Capsolver is a good option. It can handle a variety of CAPTCHAs, including reCAPTCHA v2 and v3, hCaptcha and others. Capsolver offers API and browser extension interfaces for easy integration, and it supports multiple languages. The service has a high recognition rate and custom instances for heavy users, and it's good for web testing, data scraping and online gaming.
Another good option is NopeCHA, which offers automated CAPTCHA solving as a Chrome extension and Firefox addon. It handles multiple languages and offers libraries for Python and Node.js. NopeCHA offers up to 100 free recognitions per 24 hours for personal projects, and it has flexible pricing plans starting at $4.99 per month. It's good for developers and businesses that want to automate CAPTCHAs without human intervention.
If you're looking for something more economical, check out CapMonster Cloud. The service offers a reliable API and browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox. It can be used with multiple programming languages, and it offers proxy services. You only pay for recognized captchas, with costs ranging from $0.02 to $2.2 per 1,000. It's good for tasks like website testing, image recognition and accessibility.