If you're looking for a service to help you verify the integrity and authenticity of AI models, GPTZero is a top contender. It's designed to spot text generated by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. The service has a Deep Scan option for more detailed analysis, a Source Scanning option for spotting plagiarism, and an Origin Chrome Extension for browser-based AI detection. GPTZero is updated regularly by top universities and research labs, and it's got a good track record spotting AI.
Another strong contender is AI or Not, which spots AI-generated content in images, audio and identity documents and can be used to prevent fraud and scams. It's got an Image AI Detector and an Audio AI Checker, with video and selfie detection coming soon. It's particularly useful for identity verification and KYC compliance.
If you're in an educational setting, Turnitin is a good service for spotting AI-generated content and maintaining academic integrity. It's got a range of AI writing detection, originality checks, feedback and grading tools. Turnitin is geared to counteract new forms of academic cheating and help students succeed with personalized feedback and grading.
For a broader range of uses, Copyleaks offers a range of tools to spot plagiarized and AI-generated content. It works in multiple languages and can be integrated with Learning Management Systems. Copyleaks has data security and compliance features, too, so it's a good option for schools and businesses that need strong content protection.