For detecting AI-generated content, including chatbot responses, there are a number of good options. GPTZero is a powerful AI detector that can identify text produced by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. It has options like Deep Scan, Source Scanning and a Writing Report, and is geared for teachers, writers, recruiters and cybersecurity professionals. It also has a browser extension for use with Google Docs.
Another option is Winston AI, which has a 99.98% detection rate for text produced with LLMs. It works in multiple languages and has a plagiarism detector and AI image detector. Winston AI offers a Chrome Extension and an API for web app integration, so it's good for education, SEO and writing tasks.
You could also look at GPT-Zero, a free AI content detector that can identify AI-generated content from a variety of services. It uses a carefully tuned algorithm and can process up to 2000 characters at a time for high accuracy and speed. It's good for maintaining content trustworthiness and protecting your reputation.
Finally, ZeroGPT offers a range of tools, including an AI content detector, chat tools, a summarizer and a grammar checker. It works in multiple languages and can be used with WhatsApp and Telegram, and it offers an API for custom integration. It's good for individuals and companies that want to improve writing abilities and detect AI-generated content in a variety of fields.