If you're looking for an AI detector, GPTZero stands out for finding AI-generated text, in particular from large language models like ChatGPT. It's geared to find text written by LLMs like GPT-4 and Gemini, and it has options like Deep Scan, Source Scanning and an Origin Chrome Extension for browser integration. It also works with Google Docs and offers several pricing tiers for different customers.
Another good option is Winston AI, which has a 99.98% detection rate for AI-generated text in multiple languages. It also includes a plagiarism detector and AI image detector, and is good for students, SEO and writers. You can scan text quickly or upload a file, and the results are ready in seconds with a score for each sentence.
Last, ZeroGPT has a range of tools, including a good AI content detector. It works in multiple languages and can accept batch uploads, so it can be used for a variety of tasks. The site also has a summarizer, paraphraser, grammar checker and translator, so you can get more out of your writing.