If you want a tool to analyze text and generate a report on the amount of AI content, GPTZero is a great option. It's designed to detect text generated by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini at the sentence, paragraph and document level. It includes Deep Scan for detailed analysis, Source Scanning for plagiarism detection and a Writing Report for behind-the-scenes analysis. With its constantly updated model from top universities and research labs, GPTZero has a strong track record of accurate AI detection.
Another useful option is the AI Detector, which can detect and identify AI-generated text with high accuracy. It's got a simple interface where you can paste your text and get results showing the percentage of AI used in each sentence. It's good for students, teachers, bloggers, researchers and businesses who want to ensure academic integrity and high-quality content. It's got a free plan with a 5,000 character limit and paid options for higher limits and premium support.
For a more advanced option, check out Winston AI. It's got a 99.98% detection rate and works in multiple languages. Winston AI detects text written with LLMs like ChatGPT and GPT-4, but also paraphrased and humanized content. The tool comes with a Chrome Extension and an API for web app integration, so it's good for education, SEO and writing.
Last, Copyleaks offers a range of products, including an AI Detector that spots AI-generated content. The service works in multiple languages and offers integration with Learning Management Systems (LMS) and a customizable API. With strong content protection and transparency, Copyleaks is a good option for schools and businesses that need AI detection and plagiarism detection.