If you're looking for a tool to check for AI-generated content on your website, GPTZero is a good option. This AI detector is designed to identify text generated by large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini. It comes with a variety of features, including Deep Scan for more detailed analysis, Source Scanning for detecting plagiarism and AI copyright infringement, and an Origin Chrome Extension for browser-based detection. With regular updates and a multi-step process trained on a large dataset, GPTZero is designed to be both accurate and innovative in AI detection.
Another powerful option is Winston AI, which has a 99.98% detection rate for text generated with Large Language Models. It works with multiple languages, including paraphrased and humanized text, and comes with a Chrome Extension and an API for web app integration. The tool can be useful for education, SEO and writing, with the ability to scan text or upload files with results in seconds and a score for each sentence.
For a free and highly accurate tool, check out GPT-Zero. It can handle up to 2000 characters of text at a time and uses a carefully tuned algorithm to examine over 1 million text samples from AI and human authors. It's good for individuals and businesses who want to ensure the credibility of their content and protect their reputation.
You might also want to try ZeroGPT, which includes an AI content detector as part of its broader suite. It works with all languages, can handle batch uploads and can be integrated with WhatsApp and Telegram. ZeroGPT has a range of tools from summarization to citation generation, so it's a good choice for individuals and businesses trying to improve their writing abilities and content detection.