If you're looking for a powerful tool to screen your articles for AI-generated content and boost their credibility, GPTZero is a strong contender. This AI detector is trained to identify text from large language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4 and Gemini, and offers several pricing tiers including a free BASIC option. It includes Deep Scan for more detailed analysis, Source Scanning for plagiarism detection, and Origin Chrome Extension for browser-based detection. Through partnerships with top universities, GPTZero is continually updated to ensure the best possible accuracy and AI detection innovation.
Another good option is Originality, which offers a range of tools for web publishers and content marketers. It includes an AI content detector, plagiarism detector, fact checker and readability scorer to help you ensure your content is high quality and original. It's flexible with Pay As You Go, Pro and Enterprise pricing tiers, so it can handle a variety of situations where you need to ensure your content is authentic and accurate.
Winston AI is another good option, with a 99.98% detection rate for text generated by LLMs like ChatGPT and GPT-4. It works with multiple languages and includes features like plagiarism detection and AI image detection. With a Chrome Extension and API for web app integration, Winston AI is good for education, SEO and writing, and can quickly screen content.
For a more basic but still useful option, AI Detector offers a simple interface to analyze text and give you a probability score indicating how likely it is that AI was involved. It also offers sentence refinement and detailed reports, so it can be good for content creators and digital marketers who want to ensure their content is high quality and authentic.