If you're looking for an AI detector to identify AI-generated text and distinguish it from human-written text with a high degree of accuracy, GPTZero is a top contender. This tool is designed to identify text generated by large language models like ChatGPT and GPT-4, with the ability to scan at the sentence, paragraph and document levels. It also includes features like plagiarism detection, advanced grammar feedback and multilingual detection, which makes it a good tool for educators, writers, recruiters and cybersecurity professionals. The tool is updated regularly through partnerships with leading universities and research institutions to ensure the best possible combination of accuracy and innovation.
Another strong contender is AI or Not, which not only detects AI-generated text but also photos, audio and identity documents. The tool can help prevent fraud and scams by spotting deepfakes and generative AI in a few seconds, and it can be used to try to prevent misinformation and protect identity verification. It can generate detailed detection reports and offers several pricing levels, including a free version, so you can find the right combination for your needs.
If you're only interested in text detection, GPTKit offers a multi-model approach to spotting ChatGPT-generated text with an accuracy of about 93%. You can use it for free, with better results for longer input text, and it can be shared with team members. It stores input text temporarily for processing then deletes it from its servers, so it doesn't keep your data.
Last, Wordvice AI offers a suite of tools, including an AI Detector that can help you spot AI-generated text. The tool is part of a larger suite of tools for researchers, students, content writers and businesses designed to improve writing quality and detect plagiarism. With subscription plans from basic to premium, Wordvice AI offers a flexible option for generating high-quality, error-free content.