If you want an AI-powered tool that offers buy-or-sell signals and portfolio rebalancing, Macroaxis is another good choice. The service lets you create optimal portfolios, generate buy-or-sell signals and rebalance at your own schedule using prebuilt core models and dynamically created investing themes. Macroaxis also offers detailed portfolio analysis with more than 100 modules and brokerage integration, so it's a good choice for self-directed investors and fintech pros.
Another good option is Mezzi, which consolidates multiple investment accounts into one view and offers AI-powered recommendations to optimize your portfolio. Mezzi offers personalized portfolio rebalancing, tax savings through advanced calculators and AI-powered buy and sell signals. It also offers market and portfolio analysis, tax-loss harvesting and repurchase alerts, so it's a good all-purpose tool for managing and optimizing your investment portfolio.
If you prefer a more automated approach, Composer offers an automated trading platform and investment app. Composer uses AI to create and execute trading strategies based on your goals, risk tolerance and investment preferences. It automates trading and rebalancing, integrates with retirement accounts and offers real-time portfolio monitoring, so it's good for people who want to take some of the hassle out of investment management.