
Securely deploy and run GenAI and Large Language Models within your own architecture, with fine-grained GPU control and accelerated data science workflows.
Artificial Intelligence Deployment Machine Learning Workflow Optimization Cloud Infrastructure Management

With Zerve, users can securely deploy and run GenAI and Large Language Models (LLMs) within their own architecture, giving them more control and speed of deployment. The platform brings together open models, serverless GPUs and your data to accelerate data science and ML workflows.

Some of the key features of Zerve include:

  • Integrated Environment: A hybrid of notebooks and IDEs, providing a reliable coding environment with automated cloud infrastructure.
  • Fine-grained GPU Usage: The ability to use serverless GPUs for specific tasks, minimizing overhead and maximizing performance.
  • Language Interoperability: Support for Python, R, SQL and Markdown, so you can easily link code blocks.
  • Parallelization: The ability to parallelize unlimitedly at any point in the development process, minimizing long-running code blocks and containers.
  • Compute Optimization: Automatic selection and allocation of compute resources based on demand, ensuring optimal resource utilization.
  • Collaboration Tools: Pair-programming, syncing and async support, along with commenting, reviewing and version control.
  • Self-Hosting: The ability to deploy to AWS, Azure or GCP instances for full control over data and infrastructure.

Zerve is designed to help data science teams balance collaboration and stability. By separating compute and storage, users can keep their environments interactive and stable. The platform can be particularly useful for data scientists and ML teams trying to improve their workflow and deploy GenAI and LLMs securely within their own enterprise infrastructure.

Zerve offers a free community plan with limited features, as well as custom Enterprise plans with more advanced security and organizational controls. You can check out the Zerve website to learn more and try the platform.

Published on June 9, 2024

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