
Automates retail operations with integrated POS, inventory management, and customer relationship tools, streamlining tasks and improving customer satisfaction.
Point of Sale Retail Management Inventory Management

Zeoniq is a cloud-based SaaS solution that brings the latest technology to retail businesses. With more than 20 years of experience in the F&B and retail industries, it has successfully installed over 10,000 sites across Southeast Asia, serving more than 10,000 businesses across 12 countries.

Zeoniq's suite of products caters to various retail segments:

  • Food and Beverages: Quick service POS automates orders to kitchen tickets, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction. For table service, QR ordering enables customers to place orders and pay, so staff can focus on service. The POS also handles drink orders, tabs and special offers in a pub or lounge environment.
  • Retail: Zeoniq tracks inventory, integrates with various payment gateways and e-wallets, and is suitable for supermarkets, department stores and convenience stores. For fashion retailers, it tracks customer behavior and purchases to deliver targeted rewards and promotions.
  • Service Industry: Zeoniq manages operations for car washes, hairdressers and wellness centers by streamlining customer loyalty programs, billing and inventory management.

Some of the key features of Zeoniq include:

  • Point of Sale (POS): Integrates with third-party systems for ordering and payment.
  • Self-Order Service (SOS): Enables customers to place orders independently, reducing errors and improving efficiency.
  • Real-Time Inventory Management: Tracks inventory online and offline to prevent stockouts.
  • Kitchen Display System (KDS): Clearly displays orders to kitchen staff, improving food preparation speed.
  • Customer Relationship Management: Maintains customer loyalty through in-house or third-party programs.
  • Mobile Dashboard: Enables business monitoring and inventory management on the go.

Zeoniq is designed for small businesses, chain stores and regional chain stores, providing a scalable environment for coordinating operations and customer experiences across multiple locations. Its unified digital ecosystem includes store front-end, back-end operations, customer experience management and data management tools.

Zeoniq's goal is to make retail operations easier by giving businesses easy-to-use and customizable solutions, improving customer experiences and driving growth through data-driven insights.

Published on July 17, 2024

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