
Streamline contract management with AI-powered eSignatures, automated reminders, and advanced search, all in a secure and sustainable document storage platform.
Contract Management Automated Reporting Digital Signature Solutions

Zefort is a powerful contract management software designed to streamline the signing, storage and management of contracts. With an AI-powered platform, you can create, sign and store contracts in a seamless and efficient way. It's perfect for businesses that need a secure and easy way to manage their contracts, no matter the size or volume.

Some of the key features of Zefort include:

  • eSignatures: Get fast, legally binding signatures on documents.
  • Document Storage: Store and manage all contracts and related files in one sustainable and secure archive.
  • Automated Reminders: Stay on top of important contract dates and deadlines.
  • AI-powered Search: Find contracts and related information fast with a Google-like search function.
  • Integration: Works with leading eSignature services and document management systems.

Zefort is useful for businesses, healthcare and the public sector, where secure signatures and contract management is critical. The platform also comes with more advanced features like automatic metadata extraction, contract change logging and customizable user roles.

Zefort pricing is based on the size of the organization and the number of contracts. The Core plan starts at $99/month and includes the core features for small businesses. The Team plan is $495/month and offers more flexibility and control for growing businesses. The Enterprise plan is for larger teams and organizations, at $995/month. Prices do not include VAT and additional contracts may incur additional costs.

Zefort has high security standards, with ISO 27001 certification and AES256 encryption, so you can trust it with your sensitive documents and contracts. A free trial is available so you can test the full range of features without any commitment.

Published on June 13, 2024

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