
Automates time-consuming and expensive localization work, saving over 90% compared to traditional translation services, with AI-powered string localization and delta updates.
Localization Tools Automated Translation App Development

Xpolyglot is a macOS app that's designed to help developers localize their Xcode projects so they can tap into a broader market. By using AI, it automates localization work that's time-consuming and expensive when handled by human translators.

Among its features:

  • Easy Project Import: Drag your Xcode projects into the app and they'll be incorporated into your workflow.
  • Centralized Project Management: Manage multiple localization projects in one place so you can ensure translations are up to date.
  • AI-Powered String Localization: Use Magic.xcstrings to localize string catalogs, though you'll need an OpenAI API key for that.
  • Delta Updates: Only translate strings that have changed, a big time and cost savings.
  • Global Metadata Management: Manage App Store Connect descriptions and keywords across all supported languages so you can be sure they're accurate and relevant.
  • Painless App Updates: Generate new versions and translate "What's new" text with ease.

Xpolyglot is notarized by Apple, meaning it's approved as safe to run on your Mac. Customers typically save more than 90% compared with traditional translation services.

Xpolyglot costs $9.99 as a one-time purchase, and it comes with lifetime free updates. It also requires a separate OpenAI API key, which you can obtain at openai.com. The app's costs are a fraction of traditional translation services, so it's a good option for developers who want to go global.

If you want to expand your app's market, Xpolyglot is a useful tool for handling localization chores. Check out the Xpolyglot website for details.

Published on June 14, 2024

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