
Generates naturally personalized comments on LinkedIn, considering post content, intent, and user profiles, to boost engagement and build authentic connections.
Social Media Management Lead Generation Sales Assistance

WriteSmart is designed to increase engagement on LinkedIn by using AI technology to generate comments that are naturally personalized. The tool lets people quickly warm up leads, build authentic connections and boost their online profile.

WriteSmart is designed to overcome the difficulty of crafting comments on LinkedIn by taking into account post content, intent and user profiles to ensure comments are relevant and engaging with others on the platform. The AI technology also lets people write their own comments and then refine them with suggested language that's still personal.

One of the key abilities of WriteSmart is the ability to generate comments in 26 languages. It can automatically detect the language of the post and generate a response in that language. That opens up the tool to a wider range of users.

WriteSmart offers three pricing tiers:

  • BYOK Plan: $10/month ($100/year) for 1 LinkedIn account, unlimited responses, 26+ language support and 5 response styles. Requires an OpenAI key.
  • Starter Plan: $15/month ($150/year) for unlimited LinkedIn accounts, 300 monthly responses, 26+ language support and 5 response styles. No OpenAI key required.
  • Growth Plan: $29/month ($290/year) for unlimited LinkedIn accounts, 600 monthly responses, 26+ language support and 5 response styles. No OpenAI key required.

Customers say the tool has helped them increase engagement on LinkedIn. They like the quality of the generated comments and the time they save by no longer having to write their own. WriteSmart bills itself as a way for professionals to "supercharge" their LinkedIn presence.

WriteSmart is for anyone who wants to increase their LinkedIn engagement with personalized and relevant comments. That makes it a good fit for social selling coaches, business managers and sales officers trying to improve their online networking.

Published on June 13, 2024

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