Wonder Studio

Automatically animates, lights, and composites CG characters into live-action footage, tracking actor performance and eliminating tedious frame-by-frame VFX work.
Visual Effects Automation Computer-Generated Imagery Animation Software

Wonder Studio is an AI tool to revolutionize VFX by automatically animating, lighting and compositing CG characters into live-action footage. The new technology is designed to make the process easier for artists, doing away with the need for motion capture, complex 3D software and expensive production hardware.

The core ability of Wonder Studio is to automatically identify cuts in uploaded video and track an actor's performance across the sequence. It then applies that performance to a chosen CG character, animating, lighting and compositing it into the scene. That means no tedious frame-by-frame VFX work.

By automating 80-90% of "objective" VFX work, Wonder Studio leaves the remaining "subjective" work to the artist. The system fits into existing pipelines, letting people export elements like motion capture, character passes and final renders.

Other abilities include advanced retargeting, face, body and hands motion capture, lighting and compositing, and facial recognition (ReID). Artists can also create and manage multiple characters and apply their own style to the animation.

Pricing isn't disclosed. But interested people can go to the Wonder Studio website to try it out and see what's possible. It's geared for film and TV pros looking to improve their VFX pipeline and get more out of their storytelling.

Published on June 14, 2024

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