
Run AI models directly in the browser without API keys or server-side infrastructure, giving users control and flexibility to add custom AI abilities to web apps.
AI Model Integration Browser-Based AI Low-Code AI Development

Window lets people use their own AI models directly in the browser without needing an API key or server-side infrastructure. That means people who aren't programmers can pick and choose AI models and add them to their apps, giving them more control and flexibility.

Some of Window's features include:

  • Model Selection: Users can pick from a range of AI models from OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, Together, Cohere or even run their own AI models on their own computer for better privacy.
  • Text Generation: The function generates text in real time based on user prompts.
  • History Management: The Window extension keeps a record of all messages sent and received, which can be used to train personalized AI models.

By putting AI models in the browser, Window makes it easier to add AI abilities to web apps. That means it's a good option for individuals and companies that want to add their own custom AI abilities without having to hire a lot of technical experts.

Published on June 13, 2024

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