
Receive real-time notifications and updates from web applications and APIs directly to your WhatsApp account with easy integration and customizable messaging.
API Integration Real-time Notifications WebHook Management

WhatsHook is a service designed to help you get real-time notifications and updates from web applications and APIs sent straight to your WhatsApp account. By giving you a unique, randomly generated URL, it lets you easily integrate and test WebHooks and HTTP requests so you can debug and validate more easily. It's good for developers and nontechies, too, with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to get started.

Among its features:

  • Easy Integration: Connect web applications, APIs and other systems to send real-time updates and alerts.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Use a simple interface to set up integrations and debug them.
  • HTML Forms: Connect forms to a special-purpose endpoint that sends their contents straight to WhatsApp without any backend programming.
  • Customizable Messages: Send different messages based on the WebHook or form fields you receive.
  • Debugging: Sign up your WhatsApp number to get notifications and test before you start getting updates.

WhatsHook offers a free plan that lets you create and use a single URL with no limits. If you need more URLs and no limits, you can pay $9.99 a month.

WhatsHook is good for developers and growth hackers who want to keep up to date with what's going on and stay in touch with people. It's particularly useful for integrating with other systems, APIs and forms so you get updates in a timely way and can debug more easily.

Published on June 9, 2024

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