What Should I Read Next?

Get personalized book recommendations based on your current mood, preferred genres, and story elements, ensuring a more intuitive and appealing reading experience.
Book Recommendations Personalized Recommendations Artificial Intelligence

What Should I Read Next? is a personalized book recommendation service that uses artificial intelligence technology to help readers find their next good read. It takes into account a reader's current mood and preferred book genres to offer recommendations.

Some of the features of What Should I Read Next? include:

  • Mood-based recommendations: You can select your current mood to get book recommendations that match your emotional state.
  • Genre selection: You can select from a variety of genres to ensure recommendations are for books you like.
  • Story elements: You can select elements like emotional and character development, mystery, and holiday settings to further customize your recommendations.
  • Advanced AI librarian: The AI system, called Robo Ratel, processes your input to provide personalized book recommendations.

The tool is geared for readers looking for a more intuitive way to find their next book, especially those who suffer from decision fatigue or who want to try new genres. What Should I Read Next? is designed to cut through the clutter by offering recommendations that are more likely to appeal to your tastes.

Pricing isn't disclosed. For more details and to try the service, check the project website.

Published on July 22, 2024

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