
Turns spoken words into well-written, error-free email drafts with proper grammar and spelling, making email writing fast and easy.
Email Writing Assistance Speech Recognition Accessibility Solutions

VoiceType is an AI assistant that can turn a few voice words into a full draft of an email. The idea is to make email writing fast and easy by speaking the words you want to use in an email, and VoiceType will turn it into a draft with proper grammar and spelling. The technology is geared for people who have a hard time writing emails, in particular those with dyslexia.

Some of VoiceType's features include:

  • Instant Emails: Turn a few words into an email.
  • Contextual Replies: Respond to the email thread.
  • Exceptional Writing: No spelling mistakes or unclear sentences.
  • Speech Recognition: Works with non-native English speakers and accents.
  • Chrome Browser Extension: Available right from the Gmail compose or reply screens.

VoiceType is geared for people who write a lot of emails and want to get more done. But anyone who has a hard time writing emails will benefit from the tool.

The tool only works in English for now, but you can try it for free for the first 100 who sign up. VoiceType's primary purpose isn't to transcribe your speech or dictate your words. Instead, it's more like a personal assistant that drafts a finished email based on your voice.

Published on June 14, 2024

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