
Enables users to own and control their data, export it across platforms, and collaborate on AI models through decentralized personal servers and collective governance.
Decentralized Data Management AI Model Governance Data Portability Solutions

Vana is a decentralized network designed to establish a user-owned foundation for data and AI models, to build an open internet where users have control over their own data. The project is focused on breaking down data silos and walled gardens by giving users the ability to export and own their data, and to collaborate more openly to build AI models.

Some of the key features include:

  • Data Portability: An API that allows for cross-platform data access, making it easy to onboard and personalize across applications.
  • Personal Servers: Users can host their own data and models, giving them full control over their data without relying on centralized servers.
  • Collective Ownership: Data and model DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) that enable collective governance and ownership, with the goal of establishing a user-owned foundation model.

Vana is permissionless, meaning it is open to contributions from anyone, regardless of where they are in the world, what credentials they have or how much capital they have. By giving users ownership over the models they contribute to, Vana is designed to move the benefits of AI development from centralized platforms to the users themselves.

The project is designed to help people build more accurate and more useful AI models by collectively owning the data that goes into those models, and to give open-source researchers access to better compute and data resources. Ultimately, Vana hopes to build an AI world where AI empowers people, not replaces them, and where everyone has a stake in the economy and society.

Check out the Vana website to learn more about how to get started and to explore the possibilities of user-owned data.

Published on June 14, 2024

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