Val Town

Write and run TypeScript code in the browser, creating APIs, scheduling functions, sending emails, and storing data without setup or deployment.
Serverless Computing API Development Cloud-Based Development Platform

Val Town is a social site where you can write and run TypeScript code right in your browser. You can use it to create APIs, schedule functions, send emails and store data without having to set anything up or deploy anything. It's a combination of serverless functions and social features, letting you see what others are up to and build on their ideas.

Among other things, Val Town lets you:

  • Cron Jobs: Run functions at a given interval with cron syntax.
  • API Creation: Respond to HTTP requests and build websites and APIs with Request and Response objects.
  • Email Functions: Send emails from within your code.
  • Data Persistence: Store and retrieve data with SQLite.
  • NPM and Deno Modules: Use modules from npm and deno without installation.
  • Community Sharing: See what others are up to and learn from them.

Val Town is useful for a variety of use cases, including:

  • Air Quality Alerts: Get an email when the air quality is bad.
  • Twitter Alerts: Monitor your Twitter mentions and get an email when someone tweets at you.
  • Umbrella Reminders: Get an email when it's going to rain so you can bring your umbrella.
  • API Examples: Use APIs to render HTML, check if your website is up, and generate PDFs.

Here's how the pricing works:

  • Free: 1-minute wall clock time, 5ms CPU time, 10 runs per minute, 10 HTTP calls per run, 10MB total storage.
  • Pro (Beta): 5-minute wall clock time, 100ms CPU time, 100 runs per minute, 100 HTTP calls per run, 1GB total storage for $10 per month.

Val Town is designed to be a simple, easy-to-use platform for developers to write and run code, and it's good for a lot of things and personal projects. You can start coding and testing quickly without a lot of setup, and it's good for beginners and experienced programmers.

Published on June 9, 2024

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