If you're looking for something to replace Vaia, Quizlet is a good place to start. Quizlet is a general-purpose learning platform with a range of tools, including Magic Notes, Q-Chat, Expert Solutions, and Spaced Repetition. It employs learning science methods like spaced repetition and retrieval practice to try to make its tools as effective as possible for learning. Quizlet also offers a range of question types and study modes, so it can accommodate different learning preferences.
Another good replacement is Mindgrasp, a learning assistant that uses AI to generate notes, summaries, flashcards and quizzes from documents, videos and podcasts. Mindgrasp can summarize documents automatically, take your own notes and create quizzes, so it can be useful for students and professionals. It offers several pricing levels for different needs.
If you want something that'll help you with your homework, Studyable is a powerful option. It'll give you immediate answers to math problems, explanations and summaries through its AI Homework Help tool. Studyable also grades essays with its Essay Grader tool and lets you create detailed study sets from your notes and textbooks. It has a free tier and several paid options, so it's good for students and teachers at different levels.
StudyX is another general-purpose AI learning assistant you might be interested in. It'll help you with homework, deep learning, paper research and effortless AI writing. StudyX is available as browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge and has a clean interface for those who prefer that. It has three pricing tiers, so it's good for students at any school.