
AI agents automate financial planning and unit-level analytics, extracting data, mapping costs, and creating reports to improve business planning and optimization.
Financial Planning Automated Reporting Financial Analytics

unMess offers AI agents to manage financial planning and unit-level financial analytics for startups, freeing up time and improving business planning. The service is a collection of AI assistants that perform tasks like data gathering, report generation and cost mapping at the unit level to help you get a better handle on your financial data.

unMess' focus is on eliminating errors and automating processes so businesses can better run their financial operations. The service offers modular, flexible tools that let you integrate multiple data sources and segment data by customers, projects and products.

The service offers several AI agents for different tasks:

  • Cynthia: Automatically extracts data from product data sources and calculates financial impact.
  • Max: Assists you in mapping costs to segments for marketing optimization.
  • Kane: Creates detailed financial models from transactions, sends customized reports and communicates with other agents.
  • Julia: Helps you discover new opportunities and get the most out of your data.

unMess also offers collaborative business planning, letting you invite team members and manage tasks and workflows. It integrates with more than 400 tools, including accounting software and banking systems, so you can connect and automate many financial processes.

Automated reports help you navigate financial data, presenting it in a clear, organized way to understand your business. Task and workflow automations also let you create custom reports and manage your business more efficiently. The service offers role-based access so team members can contribute to business planning and optimization.

The company doesn't reveal pricing details, but unMess is a flexible, scalable service for startups that want to get their financial house in order. By using AI agents, businesses can free up time from mundane financial tasks and focus on higher-level planning and growth.

Published on June 14, 2024

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