
Automates AI application development by linking data to various AI models, enabling easy integration and building of AI-native apps.
AI Model Integration Content Generation Automation API Integration

Unbody is a platform that makes it easier to develop and integrate AI applications into projects. It's designed to automate the process of getting data from a source to an AI application, letting developers build AI-native apps more easily. Unbody links your own data to a variety of AI models so you can build applications like chatbots, semantic search and content generation tools.

Unbody supports a variety of AI models so you can pick the best one for your needs. The service can ingest data from multiple sources and in multiple formats, including Google Drive, Microsoft SharePoint, Slack and local file systems. That means your private data stays in your own domain and ecosystem.

Among Unbody's features are:

  • Private AI Assistant: Develop AI-powered assistants for your daily tasks and data analysis.
  • AI-Native Content API: Connect directly to content tools like Google Docs and Notion to manage and enrich your content.
  • Content Generation Automation: Use AI to generate, optimize and enrich content in various formats.
  • Intelligent Search Engines: Build search systems that understand natural human language and can search text, images and other media.

Unbody offers a simple interface for developers, with GraphQL API endpoints or SDKs. That means you can add AI abilities to your projects with a single line of code. You can pick from a variety of AI engines depending on your needs, so you can customize AI features for your app.

Unbody pricing tiers include:

  • Free: Good for hobbyists and small projects, with one default project, 10 minutes of build time per month and unlimited semantic and Q&A searches.
  • Standard: Good for small teams and startups at $50 per month, with unlimited projects, 50 minutes of build time per month and other features like visual search.
  • SME & Enterprise: Custom plans for larger teams and enterprises with dedicated onboarding support and 24/7 email and chat support.

Unbody's simplified AI integration process makes it a good option for developers who want to add AI abilities to their projects without the hassles and overhead of managing private data and AI models.

Published on June 10, 2024

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