Two Minute Reports

Easily aggregate marketing data from multiple sources into unified reports with charts and graphs, automating tedious manual work in minutes.
Data Integration Automated Reporting Marketing Analytics

Two Minute Reports is a platform that enables marketers to easily and quickly pull data from external APIs and sources into Google Sheets or Looker Studio. The tool provides a straightforward and easy-to-use interface to aggregate marketing data from different sources, eliminating tedious manual work and giving a unified view of business performance.

Some of the key features of Two Minute Reports include:

  • Data Connection: Authenticate and connect to many external APIs and sources.
  • Report Creation: Transform data into reports with charts and graphs for "Ad Performance", "SEO", "Social Media", and more.
  • Automation: Clone reports, set up scheduling rules, and run reports automatically.
  • Data Consolidation: Combine data from multiple sources into a single report or dashboard in minutes.

Two Minute Reports supports a variety of integrations, including:

  • Advertising: Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.
  • Analytics: Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4
  • SEO: Keyword tracking, click metrics, SERP ranking, etc.
  • Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • E-commerce: Shopify, WooCommerce
  • Social Media: Instagram Insights, TikTok Ads
  • Email: Klaviyo
  • CRM: HubSpot

With Two Minute Reports, marketers can track ad performance, SEO metrics, eCommerce sales, website analytics, and operational metrics from different sources in one place. The platform has an intuitive interface, allowing users to create reports quickly and schedule automatic data imports. This can save time and effort, making it a good option for marketers and agencies running multiple campaigns and data sources.

Pricing information is not disclosed, but interested parties can visit the Two Minute Reports website to learn more about the pricing and subscription plans.

Published on June 14, 2024

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