
Quickly extract key information from various content formats, including videos, podcasts, and articles, and condense complex info into bite-sized summaries.
Content Summarization AI-powered Content Generation Efficient Media Consumption

TubeOnAI is an app that can quickly extract the most important information from a wide variety of content, including YouTube videos, podcasts, word processing documents, and more. It uses the GPT-4o AI model to produce summaries, condensing complex information into bite-sized chunks.

TubeOnAI's features include:

  • Hot Summary: Get a summary of YouTube videos and podcast episodes so you can quickly get the gist of what's going on.
  • Generate Content: Turn videos, podcasts or articles into blog posts, social media posts and email newsletters, so you can reuse content without having to write everything yourself.
  • Smart Learning: Get a summary of the main points of articles, PDFs, coursework, drive links or any other publicly available online link so you can learn more efficiently.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Available for both iOS and Android so you can use it on your phone or tablet.
  • Efficient Media Consumption: Get a summary of YouTube videos and podcast episodes with GPT-4o-powered AI.
  • Insights from Articles & More: Get a summary of the main points of articles, PDFs and online links.
  • Smarter Content Creation: Turn videos, podcasts or articles into blog posts, social media posts and email newsletters.
  • Inspiration from Famous Creators: Subscribe to your favorite channels and get notifications when new content is available.
  • Find Better Answers: Ask the Magic Chat about complex terms and get answers with explanations, breaking down complex ideas into smaller, more digestible parts.
  • Translate Summaries: Translate summaries into your native language for better understanding of complex subjects.
  • HD Audio Playback: Listen to audio summaries of YouTube videos, podcasts, online articles and more even when you're on the go.

TubeOnAI offers a free tier with limited minutes of content summary, and two paid tiers: Premium (Monthly) at $17 per month and Premium (Yearly) at $153 per year, with discounts for longer subscriptions. The premium tiers add features like custom prompts, Magic Chat and multilingual support.

With TubeOnAI, you can save time by quickly understanding the main points of long videos, podcasts and articles, reuse existing content in new formats, and stay up to date with notifications based on your interests. It's useful for anyone who wants to consume and create content more efficiently, including professionals, researchers and students.

Published on June 14, 2024

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