
Generate unlimited video ideas, scripts, and optimize titles, descriptions, and tags with AI-powered tools to boost YouTube views and subscriptions.
Video Content Optimization AI-powered Content Generation YouTube Channel Management

TubeMagic also offers a collection of online tools to help you succeed on YouTube. The collection is loaded with AI-powered tools to help you with titles, descriptions, tags and scripts to try to boost views and subscriptions.

TubeMagic has a range of tools to support different aspects of the YouTube process. Among the main tools are:

  • Unlimited Video Ideas & Topics: Use a specific channel to generate video ideas to plan your content.
  • Instant Video Scripts: Use a variety of templates to automatically generate video scripts.
  • Optimizations: Optimize videos with AI-generated titles, descriptions and tags.
  • Keyword Research: Search keywords by search volume, competition and a "magic" score that combines the two.
  • Video Research: Find top viewed videos on YouTube and filter them to find inspiration.

The service supports more than 95 languages for descriptions, titles, tags, community posts and video ideas. Payment processing is through Digistore24, which doesn't store payment information.

TubeMagic bills monthly or annually:

  • Monthly: $47 per month with unlimited words, script generation and priority support.
  • Annual: $37 per month (billed annually at $444) with the same features as the monthly plan.

TubeMagic is geared for content creators, agencies and businesses, and it offers a 30-day money-back guarantee and the ability to cancel at any time.

TubeMagic could be useful for anyone trying to get more out of YouTube, particularly those who are struggling to come up with interesting content or to optimize their videos. By using AI, it can automate some of the video creation process and help you grow your channel.

Published on June 14, 2024

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