
Automates code review with customizable rules, autofix suggestions, and predictive bug detection, freeing up senior engineers' time for high-priority tasks.
Code Review Automation AI-powered Development Tools Automated Bug Detection

Trag is a code review tool that uses AI to speed up the code review process, freeing up senior engineers' time and energy. It lets teams catch bugs and enforce coding standards before human reviewers see the code.

Among Trag's features are:

  • Customizable Rules: Users can define their own patterns and rules for code review, so they can tailor checks to their team's needs.
  • Autofix with AI: The tool can automatically recover from failing rules, offering pull requests with suggested fixes but not actually committing the changes.
  • Multi-Repository Support: Trag can be connected to multiple repositories for easy management.
  • Pull Request Review: It can review pull requests based on patterns you write, so you can keep your code consistent and moving fast.
  • Analytics: You can track pull request analytics to make decisions more quickly.
  • Team Collaboration: You can invite team members to join you in a shared workspace.

Trag is more sophisticated than traditional linters in several ways:

  • Complex Code Understanding: It takes into account repository-wide context for better analysis.
  • Semantic Code Analysis: Trag understands the intent behind the code, not just its syntax.
  • Predictive Bug Detection: It can monitor code continuously to spot areas for improvement or degradation.
  • Refactoring Suggestions: It can automate refactors for large-scale changes.

To get started with Trag, you link your GitHub account, add repositories, write rules in natural language, then let the tool automatically review and fix pull requests. By using AI, Trag is designed to help engineering teams concentrate on building products instead of spending hours reviewing code.

Published on June 14, 2024

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