
Automatically turns links and media assets into viral videos with a click, streamlining video creation, editing, and optimization.
Video Editing Automated Video Creation Content Creation Tools

TopView is an online AI video editor that can turn links or media assets into viral videos with a click. It taps into a library of YouTube, TikTok and Facebook ads to automate video creation, editing and optimization. The tool cuts down on manual labor to organize material, write scripts, add subtitles, score music and add effects, instead doing all that work automatically.

TopView is good for product marketing videos, increasing productivity by a factor of 5 while costing a fifth as much as hiring a human editor. It doesn't require any editing expertise, so it's good for people with some experience and those who are completely new to the world of video editing.

Among TopView's features are:

  • Link to Video: Turn links into engaging videos.
  • Materials to Video: Turn media assets into videos.
  • TikTok Downloader: Download TikTok videos directly.

TopView can be used for marketing, business, corporate, entertaining and educational videos. It also offers resources like a blog, AI video maker and video editing guides to help people with their content creation.

You can upload your own video and give TopView a few words of description, and the AI will write a script, select the clips, add a voiceover and transitions, and otherwise polish the video. The editing interface is designed to be easy to use, letting people create videos that are ready for viral distribution. That makes it a good option for people who want to take their video marketing to the next level.

TopView is useful for small business owners, marketers and content creators who want to make good videos without having to spend a lot of time learning how to edit. By automating video creation, TopView can free up time and money for people who want to make videos that will reach the people they want to target.

Published on June 13, 2024

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