
Combines AI-powered threat intelligence with multi-layered protection to detect and remove phishing, malware, and spam attacks in real-time.
Cybersecurity Email Security Phishing Protection

TitanHQ is a full-featured SaaS cybersecurity platform that includes multiple layers of protection for email and DNS. The platform is designed to help protect businesses from a wide range of cyber threats including phishing, malware and spam attacks.

The company's suite of products includes PhishTitan, TitanSecure and SpamTitan, each designed to address specific security needs. PhishTitan is a next-generation phishing protection and remediation tool that integrates with Microsoft 365 to detect and remove sophisticated phishing attacks that can bypass Microsoft's defenses. That means users' inboxes are protected from phishing attacks in real-time.

TitanSecure is a multi-layered protection system that combines SpamTitan Plus, WebTitan and ArcTitan. The system protects end-users from phishing, malware and cyber-attacks with AI-powered threat intelligence. It includes email security, network and DNS protection, data loss prevention and email and Teams archiving.

SpamTitan is designed to block spam, viruses, malware, ransomware and links to malicious websites. It boasts a high 99.99% spam catch rate, making it a good option for businesses that want to reduce spam attacks.

Other features of TitanHQ's products include:

  • WebTitan: Uses AI-powered DNS threat protection and advanced web content controls to block access to malicious websites and stop phishing attacks.
  • ArcTitan: Is a cloud-based email archiving tool for Microsoft 365 that automatically stores and retrieves email while helping with data loss prevention and regulatory compliance.
  • EncryptTitan: Is a full-featured email encryption tool for secure communication, good for MSPs and enterprises.

TitanHQ caters to small and large businesses with flexible pricing and dedicated customer support. The company offers a free trial and demo of its products so customers can get a taste of the full range of cybersecurity tools before signing up for a plan.

The company's pricing is based on a per-user model, with monthly subscription options. TitanHQ also offers discounts for nonprofit and education customers.

For businesses that want to improve their cybersecurity, TitanHQ offers a comprehensive and integrated suite of tools to help protect against email and web-based threats.

Published on June 30, 2024

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