
Autonomous AI agents learn about products, acquire domain expertise, and produce high-level SEO content to attract organic traffic within two weeks.
Content Generation SEO Optimization Lead Generation

Tely AI is geared for B2B companies trying to attract leads with high-level SEO content. The service uses autonomous AI agents to learn about products, acquire domain expertise and gather SEO information to produce content that can attract organic traffic within two weeks.

Tely works by learning about your product from sources like your website, API documentation, demo videos and blog posts. Then it acquires domain expertise through continuous learning from sources like books, research papers, podcasts, blogs and authority sites. That lets Tely write content that's more likely to communicate solutions to prospects' problems.

Among Tely's features are:

  • SEO Optimization: It runs SEO analysis, performs keyword research and tracks article performance to optimize for search rankings and conversion.
  • Content Planning: It creates monthly content calendars, writes articles and syndicates them on social media to create a lead generation plan.
  • Personalized Content: It generates infographics, adds code snippets, quotes from experts and contextual call-to-actions to make content more relevant.

Tely's AI is designed to help businesses sell by cutting customer acquisition costs and boosting conversion rates. By automating content creation, companies can expand their marketing without expanding their marketing staff.

Tely promises a 64% reduction in customer acquisition costs and a 30% increase in conversion rates. And it says it saves companies from having to pay for a marketing staff, so businesses can remain lean and focused on product development.

Tely doesn't reveal pricing details, but you can schedule a website demo to try the service.

Tely is for B2B companies that want to improve their SEO and attract organic traffic with high-quality content without a marketing staff. With AI technology, Tely can help companies build credibility with prospects, leading to more conversions and sales.

Published on June 14, 2024

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