Synthetic Monitoring automates the testing and monitoring of application availability and performance in production and development environments. The tool helps you find problems before customers do so you can optimize the digital experience proactively.
The tool simulates user behavior to see how applications are running and performing. You can use a network with low latency and high throughput to test mobile and web channels from around the world. The tool checks that key pages, APIs and transactions work everywhere.
Some of its features include:
Synthetic Monitoring is useful for companies that want to optimize their digital experience, meet service level agreements and monitor CDN and third-party performance. It can be used to ensure critical workflows, find problems early in the software development cycle and improve overall application performance.
You can combine synthetic monitoring with real user monitoring, mobile app monitoring and session replay for a more complete view of your digital estate. The company offers a free 15-day trial if you want to try it out.
Published on July 29, 2024
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