
Uncover insights fast with AI-powered search, and put them into action at scale with conversational AI, to maximize market research ROI.
Market Research Management Knowledge Management AI-Powered Search

Stravito is built to help you get more value out of your market research insights across your organization. The intuitive platform lets you store and share insights securely so you can get more return out of every dollar you spend on research.

Stravito is designed with the needs of large enterprises in mind, with a flexible and user-friendly interface. Some of its key features include:

  • Centralized Repository: Fully branded and integrated with existing tools and data sources.
  • AI-Powered Search: Get to the insights you need fast with a search that understands what you're looking for, not just what you type.
  • Engaging Tools: Curate and promote insights to internal stakeholders.
  • Stravito Assistant: Put insights into action at scale with conversational AI.

Stravito can help you cut the time spent on information requests and searching for information by up to 91%. And it can help you get a 91% return on investment (ROI) over three years, according to a Forrester Consulting study.

Stravito is geared for insights teams and global companies looking to get the most out of their market research investments. It integrates with tools like Google Drive, SharePoint and numerous data visualization tools. The platform is available through a self-service model so users can easily find and use insights without needing a lot of training or support.

Stravito pricing is customized based on the needs of the organization. Prospective customers can request a demo and a customized pricing proposal through the website.

By making knowledge management easier and empowering teams to make better decisions, Stravito hopes to help large enterprises get the most value out of their market research and insights.

Published on June 30, 2024

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