
Extracts data from 140+ sources, loading it into a cloud data warehouse for analysis at scale, with no coding required, in minutes.
Data Integration Cloud Data Warehousing Automated ETL Solutions

Stitch is a cloud-based ETL solution that quickly extracts data from 140+ sources and loads it into a cloud data warehouse for analysis at scale, with no coding required. It offers fully automated cloud data pipelines, so users can get data from a variety of sources in minutes, without requiring a large IT team. Stitch centralizes business data into a single warehouse, so fresh, analysis-ready data is always available for business decision-making.

Stitch includes features like:

  • Fast Data Transfer: Move data from multiple sources to a warehouse or database in minutes.
  • Unified Data: Create a single source of truth for all business data, so it stays fresh and up-to-date.
  • No Maintenance: Stitch pipelines update automatically, so engineers can focus on higher priority work.
  • Enterprise-Grade Security: Compliant with SOC 2, HIPAA, GDPR and more, so data is secure and reliable.

Stitch is designed for both data engineers and business analysts, providing benefits like:

  • Less Time and Effort: Automate pipeline management and reduce coding needs.
  • Better Decision-Making: Get trusted, unified data for better insights.

Stitch supports a broad range of data sources, including popular ones like Salesforce, Google Analytics and Facebook Ads. Users can connect data sources to a data warehouse in minutes, ensuring data integration is seamless.

Stitch pricing includes:

  • Standard: $100 per month, with 5-300 million rows per month and 1 destination.
  • Advanced: $1,250 per month, with 100 million rows per month and 3 destinations.
  • Premium: $2,500 per month, with 1 billion rows per month and 5 destinations.

Stitch is great for data teams and businesses that want to simplify their data integration, so they can get to fresh, reliable data as quickly as possible. With a focus on scalability, performance and security, Stitch helps users make better decisions without adding IT overhead.

Published on July 2, 2024

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