
Access AI-powered business coaching modules to refine your pitch, validate ideas, plan next steps, and assess your business, with personalized advice and actionable insights.
Business Coaching Entrepreneurship Tools Pitch Deck Creation

Spective also offers AI-powered business coaching modules that can help entrepreneurs refine their pitch, validate their business idea, plan their next steps, and assess their business. The tools are designed to make the process easier and faster, so entrepreneurs can focus on the business itself.

Spective's AI model is trained in conjunction with experienced business coaches, accelerators, investors and entrepreneurs to give it a deep understanding of the subject matter. By talking to the AI Business Coach about your vision and challenges, you'll get new ideas and inspiring perspectives to help you think outside the box. The advice is geared to your specific business needs, so you get the right advice.

Among Spective's features are:

  • Pitch Deck: Create AI-generated pitch deck slides to present to investors, along with expected questions and presentation advice.
  • Elevator Pitch: Create persuasive pitches in 15s, 30s and 1-minute versions, including the reasoning and pitch advice.
  • Evaluate Business Plan: Get an assessment of your business plan from 20 different viewpoints, including riskiness and potential scoring, SWOT analysis, and more.
  • Validate: Find out which assumptions are risky and how to validate them with research plans and validation instruments.
  • Plan: Get a step-by-step plan to your next milestone, including activities, do's and don'ts, and success criteria.

Each module costs $40. If you don't find inspiration in the tools, Spective offers a 100% money-back guarantee.

Spective's goal is to help entrepreneurs get practical business advice without having to hire a consultant or figure everything out on their own. It's got more than 5,000 users so far, and people have responded well to its ability to listen and understand their business situations, offering advice that's been helpful to entrepreneurs.

Published on June 11, 2024

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