
AI-powered scriptwriting and teleprompter tool helps content creators deliver confident, engaging presentations and videos with adjustable reading speed and pace control.
Content Creation Public Speaking Tools Video Scripting Teleprompter Software

SpeakAide is an AI content writer and teleprompter designed to help content creators look and sound better when giving presentations and videos. The tool marries AI scriptwriting with a built-in teleprompter that shows the text on a screen so speakers can read it while maintaining eye contact with their audience.

The teleprompter shows text at a speed that speakers can adjust, so they can read it while still looking at their audience. That means they don't have to worry about memorizing a script or panicking if they forget a word. The tool also keeps them at a steady pace so they don't stumble over words.

The AI scriptwriting tool uses sophisticated algorithms to produce a draft script in a few seconds based on a few prompts. That can save a lot of time and effort for content creators, whether they're experienced public speakers or newcomers to the world of video.

SpeakAide offers a free version of its app and a premium version with more features and editing abilities. The free version can record video, but the premium version offers more editing abilities. You can record, save and share videos from the app to social media.

Customers say the tool is easy to use, has an intuitive interface and gives them confidence when speaking in front of people. If you're creating YouTube videos, speaking at conferences or just want to improve your public speaking skills, SpeakAide hopes its tool will help you create more engaging and professional content. Check out the SpeakAide website for more information.

Published on June 8, 2024

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