
AI-powered search and metadata tools streamline music management and distribution, empowering industry professionals to discover and license tracks efficiently.
Music Distribution Music Licensing AI-powered Search

SourceAudio is a music hosting, distribution and licensing service for record labels, publishers and broadcasters. With AI-powered search and metadata tools, SourceAudio helps customers manage and distribute their music.

The service has powerful controls for managing music catalogs, with full control over settings, style and user access. Music supervisors and content creators can use AI search tools and direct publisher connections to get their work done. For broadcasters and streaming video networks, SourceAudio helps them work more creatively, finding music more quickly and using a range of integrated tools.

AI abilities include natural language search, rich metadata generation and the ability to find similar music. The company has been building the service for more than 14 years, serving catalogs, broadcasters and end users. Customers can distribute music to DSPs like Spotify and Apple Music, and can monetize their music with YouTube Content ID and synch licensing.

SourceAudio also tracks royalties and revenue, including TV, radio and YouTube usage, and offers detailed reporting. So far, it's hosted more than 31 million songs and has more than 500,000 searches per week by industry professionals.

SourceAudio pricing is based on the number of tracks you have hosted, ranging from $35 per month for up to 99 tracks to $719 per month for 50,000 to 99,999 tracks. You can also try the service for free for the first month.

SourceAudio is geared for music industry professionals who need to manage and distribute their music catalogs. With AI tools and a user interface, SourceAudio can help music professionals search for music, discover new tracks and license them. That makes it useful for record labels, publishers, broadcasters and streaming video networks.

Published on August 10, 2024

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